About Heart to Heart Personal Prayer Ministry
Heart to Heart is a complete prayer module that focuses on receiving ministry from the Father’s heart to yours, bringing His freedom – the wonderful freedom Jesus died and lives to give you. Heart to Heart focuses on bringing real answers from the Father’s heart to yours, personally. Heart to Heart is a gentle, biblical and empowering prayer ministry
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God ... Romans 8:16 NKJ
Why Heart to Heart?
Because we need answers – simple answers that work in our everyday life for everyday problems.
We need answers to the things that cause us a lack of peace. We need freedom, crave peace and long for joy.
How often do we as Christians have negative thoughts and emotions? How often do we feel stressed, overwhelmed or not good enough? We all have areas of our lives that lack peace and we all have areas that are devoid of joy. These can be as common as worry or as complex as confusion. They can take the form of self-criticism, regret, shame, guilt, stress, anger or any number of discouraging struggles. Too often we have not known what to do to experience freedom - lasting freedom. And much too often we have even accepted some of these troublesome feelings and negative thoughts, even negative patterns of behavior, as just being a part of us, a part of our personality - part of our identity. We say to ourselves, “That’s just the way I am.”
But Jesus offers us freedom. He offers us peace and joy. The Bible says that it was for freedom that Christ has made us free. (Galatians 5:1) Jesus offers us abundant life (John10:1) and He said He gave us the keys of the kingdom. (Matthew 16:19) God in His infinite wisdom is restoring all things. God is restoring to His people what He intended for us to have all along.
Heart to Heart is a prayer ministry that lets Jesus minister from His heart to the heart of the one receiving, into the heart of the matter, to bring clarity, understanding, peace, and joy!
What Heart to Heart is not:
It is not counseling. It is not a list of what you need to do, must do or should do. It is not ‘trying harder’.